Take some a beautiful couple, a beautiful rural location, a 13th century church, a marquee in a field, some horses, and the bride’s favourite pig, and you have the makings of a perfect early summer wedding.

While Cal and the boys got ready in nearby Cheltenham, Abbie and the girls got into their dresses at home, a lovely cottage just a short walk from the church.

Situated between Gloucester, Tewkesbury and Cheltenham, St Catherine’s in the Leigh is a grade 1 listed building that dates back to 1225. 

After a traditional English church service, it was off to the fields for meals, speeches, horses, and … did I mention… pig!  


It may not be a proud boast for every film maker, but this is the most pig I’ve ever featured in a wedding film, and he was SO cute.  Though not cute enough to distract from the couple, who were ridiculously good-looking.

With a live band, games on the lawn, and a proper party crowd, the evening exploded with the kind of wild revelry that only really close friends can manage. 

A great day and a great party, congratulations Abbie and Callum!

